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LPG Strategy

The Scrappy Approach: How SMB-Focused Teams Excel with Lean Tactics

Successful SMB-focused teams thrive by using scrappy tactics like social DMs, generic emails, mobile phone numbers, and home addresses to contact prospects and build robust pipelines despite the challenges of fragmented and limited data.
LPG Strategy

The Changing Landscape of Cookies and Digital Marketing

Google's decision to retain third-party cookies while introducing new user choice options in Chrome significantly impacts digital marketing by maintaining the status quo for personalized advertising, emphasizing the need for first-party data, and ensuring continued adaptation to privacy concerns and evolving regulations.
LPG Strategy

Clay: The $500M Tool Few Will Ever Master

While Clay has achieved a $500 million valuation and is celebrated for its potential, its complexity makes it nearly impossible for the average user to master without specialized skills or the aid of costly agencies, leaving many unable to fully leverage its capabilities.
LPG Strategy

Unveiling Social Follower Trends in E-Commerce with LeadGenius’ Social Follower Monitoring

Explore key social media trends in e-commerce from over 500,000 storefronts, revealing TikTok's lead in median followers, the challenge of reaching 23,000 followers, and the rarity of high follower counts across major platforms.
LPG Strategy

The Cost of Ignoring Generic Email Form Fills: Why Restricting Submissions Could Be Sabotaging Your Revenue Pipeline

In today's competitive landscape, data drives the engine of modern marketing. However, the widespread practice of discarding leads with generic email addresses poses a significant risk to revenue teams. By overlooking these entries, businesses not only miss out on potential revenue but also hinder their pipeline creation efforts. This article explores the real impact of dismissing generic email leads, quantifying potential losses in revenue and opportunities. It underscores the critical need for organizations to capture every piece of data possible, leveraging advanced tools like LeadGenius’s entity resolution service to enrich and maximize the value of their lead databases. Embracing every lead, regardless of its initial form, is crucial for sustained growth and competitiveness in today's dynamic market environment.
LPG Strategy

Transforming Generic Emails into LinkedIn URLs: Enhancing B2B Marketing and Sales Efforts

LeadGenius's entity resolution service transforms generic email addresses into valuable LinkedIn profiles, enhancing lead quality, improving targeting, increasing conversion rates, and providing richer insights for B2B marketing and sales efforts.
LPG Strategy

Unlocking the Potential of Generic Email Addresses

LeadGenius's entity resolution service transforms generic email addresses into valuable business profiles, enhancing data quality, reviving lost leads, and maximizing marketing and sales efforts.
LPG Strategy

What is Social Monitoring?

Social monitoring, or social listening, involves tracking and analyzing social media conversations to gain insights into customer preferences, pain points, and trends, benefiting digital marketers, sales teams, ABM teams, and business development professionals. By leveraging social monitoring across platforms like Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook, businesses can make informed decisions, personalize outreach, and stay ahead of industry trends, ultimately leading to greater success in achieving their goals.