Unlocking the Potential of Generic Email Addresses

Entity Resolution
personal emails
personal email to business profile matching
generic emails
Generic email to business profile matching
July 16, 2024

So you're in marketing, and you just received a form fill or new registration—great news, right? But there's a catch: it's a personal (generic) email that can't be matched with an account in your Marketing Automation System (MAS) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. What do you do? Without the ability to identify the related business and business email, these leads can quickly turn into lost opportunities. How can you unlock the potential of these seemingly unusable entries and turn them into valuable assets for your marketing and sales efforts?

This is a common challenge organizations face is dealing with form fills and registrations that use generic email addresses like Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. These emails often end up discarded, leading to a significant loss of potential leads and opportunities. However, LeadGenius's innovative entity resolution service is changing the game by matching these generic emails to actual business profiles and work email addresses, breathing new life into previously unusable data.

The Problem with Generic Email Addresses

Generic email addresses have long been a thorn in the side of marketers and sales teams. Despite the valuable information they might contain, these emails are often seen as less credible or less valuable compared to corporate email addresses. As a result, many organizations opt to discard leads that do not come with a business email, missing out on potential sales qualified leads (SQLs) and other opportunities.

The Frequency of Discarding Leads Due to Generic Emails

Studies show that a significant percentage of form fills and registrations are made using generic email addresses. According to a report by Marketing Sherpa, around 23% of all form fills use personal email addresses, leading many businesses to discard these entries outright. Another survey by Demand Gen Report found that up to 30% of B2B companies do not follow up on leads with generic email addresses, considering them low-quality.

LeadGenius’s Entity Resolution Service: Turning Generic into Gold

LeadGenius’s new service revolutionizes the way organizations handle generic email addresses. By matching these emails to actual business profiles and work email addresses, LeadGenius enables companies to turn discarded leads into valuable business insights. Here’s how this service can significantly benefit marketers and sales teams:

  1. Reviving Lost Leads: Organizations can recover a substantial number of leads that would otherwise be thrown away. This means more potential customers to nurture and convert.
  2. Enhancing Data Quality: By converting generic email addresses into detailed business profiles, companies gain richer, more actionable data. This leads to better targeting and more personalized marketing efforts.
  3. Boosting Event ROI: For companies that invest heavily in conferences and events, this service ensures that every registration counts. By identifying the business profiles behind generic emails, companies can follow up with attendees more effectively, increasing the return on investment for these events.
  4. Supporting Product-Led Growth (PLG): For organizations with a PLG strategy, understanding who their users are is crucial. This service helps identify and convert individual users into enterprise team licenses, as seen with companies like Box.
  5. Maximizing Marketing Efforts: By transforming consumer data into B2B usable data, marketers can execute more targeted campaigns, leading to higher conversion rates and better overall performance.

Case Study: Box’s Success with LeadGenius

Box, a leading cloud content management and file sharing service, has successfully utilized LeadGenius’s entity resolution service to enhance their marketing and sales strategies. Box was able to analyze personal users and consolidate individual licenses into enterprise team licenses, resulting in increased efficiency and higher revenue. This success story illustrates the significant impact that converting generic emails into business profiles can have on an organization’s bottom line.

The Future of Data Utilization

The ability to transform generic email addresses into valuable business insights represents a significant advancement in data utilization. As more organizations adopt this approach, the days of discarding leads due to generic emails will become a thing of the past. Marketers and sales teams will have more opportunities to engage with potential customers, leading to increased sales and stronger customer relationships.


LeadGenius’s entity resolution service is a game-changer for organizations looking to maximize their marketing and sales efforts. By turning generic email addresses into valuable business profiles, companies can unlock the potential of previously discarded leads, enhance data quality, boost event ROI, support PLG strategies, and maximize their marketing efforts. As businesses continue to seek innovative ways to leverage data, services like this will play a crucial role in driving growth and success.

For more information on how LeadGenius can help transform your data strategy, contact us today. Let’s turn your generic email addresses into gold.

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