CDK Global's Success with LeadGenius


CDK Global, a leader in automotive retail technology, encountered significant challenges in maintaining accurate and up-to-date contact data across their sales, marketing, and customer service departments. This inaccuracy hindered their ability to efficiently target the right prospects and optimize their campaigns. Initially inherited through an acquisition, LeadGenius quickly became an indispensable tool for CDK. By leveraging LeadGenius's advanced data cleansing and sourcing services, CDK was able to dramatically improve the accuracy and reliability of their contact data. This transformation not only enhanced the effectiveness of their marketing and sales campaigns but also resulted in a substantial increase in return on investment (ROI). With cleaner, more precise data, CDK could better engage with potential customers, streamline their operations, and allocate their resources more efficiently, ultimately driving better business outcomes and growth.


CDK Global's sales team faced persistent difficulties in maintaining a clean and reliable book of business, which significantly impacted the efficiency and success of their marketing, sales, and customer service campaigns. The core of this challenge was the accuracy and currency of their contact data. Without precise and up-to-date contact information, targeting the right prospects becomes a daunting task, leading to wasted resources, lower engagement rates, and missed opportunities.

In the competitive landscape of automotive retail technology, having accurate contact data is not just beneficial but essential. It directly influences the effectiveness of outreach efforts, the ability to nurture leads, and the overall success of marketing and sales initiatives. Inefficient data management meant that CDK Global was struggling to optimize these efforts, resulting in subpar campaign performance and reduced ROI.

Amanda Knowlton, Senior Business Analyst at CDK Global, recognized these critical issues and the pressing need for a robust solution. She understood that for CDK to maintain its competitive edge and achieve its business objectives, they required a comprehensive approach to cleanse and source contacts effectively. This realization led them to seek out LeadGenius, whose bespoke data services promised to address these challenges head-on, ensuring that CDK's contact data was not only accurate but also actionable and relevant.


To address the significant challenges CDK Global faced, LeadGenius stepped in with its bespoke data services, offering a tailored approach to both data cleansing and contact sourcing. This dual-focus solution was designed to ensure that CDK's contact data was not only accurate and up-to-date but also comprehensive and relevant to their marketing, sales, and customer service campaigns.

Contact Cleansing: LeadGenius implemented an advanced data cleansing process to ensure that all existing contact information in CDK's database was accurate and current. This process involved:

  • Verification: Using sophisticated algorithms and manual checks to verify the accuracy of each contact’s details.
  • Updates: Continuously updating information to reflect any changes, such as job titles, email addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Deduplication: Identifying and removing duplicate entries to streamline the contact database and prevent redundant efforts.
  • Error Correction: Correcting any inaccuracies in the data, such as misspellings or outdated information, to maintain high-quality records.

Contact Sourcing: In addition to cleansing existing data, LeadGenius provided fresh and relevant contacts to expand CDK's reach. This process included:

  • Targeted Sourcing: Leveraging advanced web crawling and AI technologies to find new contacts that fit CDK’s ideal customer profiles.
  • Custom Insights: Providing detailed insights about each contact, including firmographic, technographic, and social data, to enhance targeting precision.
  • Account Signals: Identifying key account signals, such as new funding, strategic hires, and product launches, to help CDK’s teams prioritize leads with the highest propensity to convert.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrating the newly sourced data into CDK's existing CRM and sales tools to ensure smooth and efficient utilization by the sales, marketing, and customer service teams.

Implementation and Support: LeadGenius also provided comprehensive support to ensure the effective implementation of their data solutions. This included:

  • Training: Offering training sessions for CDK's teams to help them understand and make the most of the new data capabilities.
  • Ongoing Support: Providing ongoing support and consultation to address any issues and continuously optimize the data processes.
  • Customization: Working closely with CDK to customize the data solutions according to their specific industry needs and business objectives.

By focusing on these critical areas, LeadGenius enabled CDK Global to maintain a high level of data accuracy and relevance. This not only improved the efficiency and effectiveness of their campaigns but also allowed for more strategic and informed decision-making across the organization. The collaboration with LeadGenius ensured that CDK's contact data was a powerful asset driving better engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, improved business outcomes.


The results of partnering with LeadGenius exceeded CDK Global's expectations, leading to transformative improvements across their operations. Here are the key outcomes of the collaboration:

High Accuracy: LeadGenius consistently delivered contact data with over 85% accuracy, significantly surpassing the industry standard. This high level of precision ensured that CDK Global could rely on their contact information for effective outreach and engagement. The accuracy of the data meant that CDK's marketing and sales teams could focus their efforts on the right prospects, reducing wasted time and resources.

  • Industry Comparison: While many companies in the data services industry claim to provide 85-90% accuracy, the actual figures often fall short, typically around 75%. LeadGenius’s commitment to delivering truly accurate data set them apart, providing CDK with a competitive edge.

Manual Rechecks: LeadGenius’s dedication to quality didn't stop at automated processes. They went the extra mile by performing manual rechecks to further enhance data accuracy. This meticulous approach ensured that even the smallest errors were corrected, maintaining the integrity of CDK's contact database.

  • Quality Assurance: The manual rechecks acted as an additional layer of quality assurance, confirming that all contact details were up-to-date and accurate. This process minimized the risk of errors slipping through, ensuring that CDK’s campaigns were built on a foundation of reliable data.

Enhanced Campaigns: With cleaner and more accurate data, CDK Global’s marketing, sales, and customer service campaigns saw substantial improvements in targeting and efficiency. The enhanced data quality allowed for more precise segmentation and personalization, leading to better engagement and conversion rates.

  • Marketing Campaigns: Accurate contact data enabled CDK’s marketing team to craft highly targeted campaigns, reaching the right audience with the right message. This precision increased response rates and ROI for marketing initiatives.
  • Sales Efforts: For the sales team, having reliable contact information meant fewer cold calls and more meaningful conversations with potential customers. This improved the efficiency of the sales process and contributed to higher close rates.
  • Customer Service: The customer service department benefited from having up-to-date contact information, allowing them to provide timely and relevant support to clients. This enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved ROI: The overall impact of LeadGenius’s data solutions was reflected in CDK Global's improved return on investment. By ensuring that campaign funds were not wasted on incorrect prospects, CDK was able to allocate their resources more effectively, driving better business outcomes.

  • Cost Efficiency: With accurate and reliable contact data, CDK reduced the costs associated with ineffective marketing and sales efforts. This cost efficiency translated into a higher ROI for their campaigns.
  • Business Growth: The ability to reach and engage the right prospects more effectively contributed to CDK’s business growth, as they could convert more leads into customers and expand their market presence.


Amanda Knowlton shares her positive experience with LeadGenius:

"Initially, I inherited LeadGenius from a company we acquired. However, after the first meeting with Luka and using the system, there was no doubt in my mind why we kept the company! Their results are phenomenal, and they take pride in their results to ensure all customer expectations are met!"